Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mono Lake~Watery Wednesday 093009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Morning shadows~Shadow Shot Sunday 092709
Sometimes we arrive at the Living Desert very early in the morning to go for a walk. On this morning, the shadows were LONG. Shadow Shot Sunday for September 27, 2009. For other shadow posts, please visit:
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Have you ever felt like this? Camera Critters for 092609
Friday, September 25, 2009
Storm over Grand Canyon~SkyWatch Friday 092509
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wild sunflowers~Think Green Thursday 092409
Here in the desert southwest, a variety of wild sunflower grows in many locations. I've seen these from Arizona to our desert near Palm Springs. These are not the mammoth sunflowers like you find in gardens. Oh, no! These are a wild variety that seems to be able to grow without much water. I cultivated some seeds from around the valley and planted them in my yard last spring. They are still blooming long after my mammoth ones dried out and died. The only thing I noticed was that they were difficult to get started. Perhaps they need massive amounts of water to get started? I would love to collect more seeds again and see if this year I can do a better job with them. And, yes, they grow in places that do not receive any water as I see a whole stand of them by my school out in a field that doesn't get any additional watering. Think Green Thursday for September 24, 2009.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"J" is for Joshua Tree~ABC Wednesday 092309
We are fortunate to live within sight of Joshua Tree National Park, although in the last 30 years, we've only visited it three times and two were this year! We need to visit it more often because it is such an unusual and unique place! Here are some pics from our visit last spring. ABC Wednesday, September 23, 2009.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Yellow grasses~Mellow Yellow for September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
4 wheelin'!!! Scenic Sunday for 092009

My husband took my car Thursday and spent two days in Santa Monica, so he left me his. Actually, it was our son's car, a little Toyota Rav4. I hardly ever drive it, since I have my Honda, which I bought a year ago in the spring. It's a Honda CRV and while I can drive unpaved roads with it, the road up to Santa Rosa Mountain is ONLY recommended for 4 wheel drive cars., yes, off I went yesterday, up the Santa Rosa road. Actually, it wasn't that bad, BUT, you need a car with a high carriage to get over the ruts and bumps. The views are spectacular! I could see all the way down into the Indian canyons in Palm Springs. The road went further up the mountain, but, being alone, I didn't want to chance it, so I'll wait until hubby is with me to try it again. I did stop and take these photos. Scenic Sunday for September 20, 2009.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Mountain lions~Camera Critters for 091909
These were the two mountain lions at the Living Desert Reserve in Palm Desert, CA. That was Reno, on the ground, bothering the female. She is still alive, but Reno passed away, at age 19, last year. He was a real clown, but a couple of times, he did injure the little female, so she may be happy to finally be alone. Camera Critters for September 19, 2009. Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
At the end of a day~SkyWatch Friday 091809
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"I" is for...ABC Wednesday 091609
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Signs of fall~That's My World 091409
The signs of fall are here. Days are shorter. Mornings are cooler. There is a whiff of coolness during the daytime. The horses are starting to get their winter coats and are losing their summer ones. The apples are nearly ripe on the tree farm next to the horse ranch up in the mountains. The desert is filled with LONG shadows. That's My World for Tuesday, September 14, 2009.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My gecko friends are back~Camera Critters 091209

Last summer I had two little geckos that visited me at night. They would come out about 11:00 p.m. and eat the moths and bugs that were attracted to our kitchen light. Since my computer sits on a desk in the kitchen, I frequently saw them. I hadn't see any of them this summer on the window and screen, but I did see a couple of them out on the side porch. AND, there was one in our bathroom, which I tried to catch, but he ran under the carpet and I'm afraid my kitten got him (sigh...) So, last night, after feeding Quad, our thoroughbred rescue, I flipped on the kitchen light, sat down my camera, went to the sink to wash my hands, opened up the window, and spotted 3 geckos on the screen outside my kitchen window! One had a moth and another one decided he/she wanted that moth and tried to take it out of the first one's mouth! What a squabble! Another one was patiently waiting for a moth to come on another part of the window. I just stood and watched them until it dawned on me that I MIGHT be able to take some pics of them. So, here they are! I just love their little suction cup feet! Aren't they cute? Gee...I guess I need to wash my windows! My critters for Saturday, September 12, 2009.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Afternoon thunderheads~SkyWatch Friday 091109
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"H" is for...ABC Wednesday 090909
husband! Yes, I take him everywhere with me, even vacation! Sometimes we are side by side taking photos, and lately I've tried to document our vacations by taking a photo of him taking a photo~hehe! Here he is busily concentrating on his photo. That's my husband! ABC Wednesday for September 9, 2009.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Mailboxes in thirds~Sunday Stills Challenge 090609
This is NOT my photo. This is one of hubby's. I didn't take this photo or even attempt it. He is just so much better at composing his photos in thirds that I am (maybe being a graphics designer helps?) This is something I'm still working on and for me, it is difficult. Enjoy his photo...I love this one! Sunday Stills Challenge for September 6, 2009. This was taken at the Owens River Gorge Road outside of Bishop, CA in August while we were there on vacation.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
afternoon monsoon clouds~SkyWatch Friday 090409

I saw this puffy thunderhead among other clouds one afternoon as I was driving home from school. I pulled over and snapped a couple of photos using my little Nikon Coolpix. If you click on it and enlarge it, you'll get a feel for how large this thunderhead actually was. SkyWatch Friday for September 4, 2009.
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