Aren't cacti pretty when the sunlight hits them just right? I took this photo in the late afternoon. Cactus Monday for Novembe 30, 2009.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Coyote~Camera Critters 112809

I was going through our archives and I came upon this photo of one of the coyotes from the Living Desert. It is so difficult to get a good photo of them! They are either sleeping on a rock on the far side of the enclosure, or they are nowhere to be seen! But, on this visit, I was able to get this closeup. Look at the coyote's eyes and its fur! I nearly always see a coyote in one of the fields up by where I board my horses. But, again, it is so far off, even with my zoom lens, I can't get a good photo! Camera Critters for November 28, 2009.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"S" is for...ABC Wednesday 112509
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cactus Monday~112309

I love early morning walks at the Living Desert here in Palm Desert. The light is perfect! And, it was hitting this cactus one day. Cactus Monday for November 23, 2009. For other cactus photos, please visit Cactus Monday:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Jail wagon~This Way Thursday 111909

This is one way you wouldn't wish to go! We found this old jail wagon at a trading post in Arizona. Imagine being inside it during a hot day! (shudder...) This Way Thursday for November 19, 2009. For other interesting photos, please visit:
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"R" is for...ABC Wednesday 111809
roadrunner! We have lots of roadrunners here in our desert southwest. Why, we even have a family in our neighborhood! They have been here for many years, ever since our own kids were growing up! The father sometimes lands on my front fence and surveys the street. I often see one of them running up or down our street with something in its mouth~a lizard, an insect, and yes, even a small bird or a baby bird. Our neighbor told us that he saw one of the roadrunners even chase our petite cat, Daisy, down the street! ABC Wednesday for November 18, 2009.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Santa Rosa Mountains Visitor Center~That's My World 111709

I forget that less than two miles away is a delightful place, the Santa Rosa Mountains Visitor Center. It is free to the public and open for visitors nearly every day. Sometimes, on the weekends, I just grab my camera and wander its grounds. I have quail and roadrunners for company! The photo from yesterday is one that I took on one such walk. Here are some others from spring, 2008. That's My World for Tuesday, November 17, 2009.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Desert reflection~Weekend Reflections~111509
I found a new meme, "Weekend Reflections". Here's the link: I'm fairly new at taking photos of reflections, but I have taken a few. I like this one because I took it here in Palm Desert, at the Santa Rosa Mountains Visitor Center. I like to walk there early in the mornings. Weekend Reflections for November 15, 2009.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
road and pinyons

I often drive by this dirt road on my way to visit the horses. Last weekend I decided to take it. My good friend, Barbara, used to live at the end of it and it had been several years since I had been down this road. Now, however, there is a locked gate at the end of it! DARN! Anyway, it was a pleasure to drive down it and see the various rock formations and yuccas and pinyon trees.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Currency~Sunday Stills Challenge~ 110809

Just some random shots from our favorite store in Williams, AZ, and the opportunities to spend our hard-earned currency! Really, though, this is our favorite store. We always buy our daughter another cross from it and I buy odds and ends and always buy another pair of socks! They have so many interesting things there! You can see the price tags on some of the items. Sunday Stills Challenge for November 8, 2009.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"P" is for Prescott~ABC Wednesday 110409
We love to travel to Prescott, AZ. It is about a 5 hour drive, which isn't too far. And, we love the countryside in and around Prescott. But, we also enjoy walking around the downtown. There is a restaurant there, the Palace. We often stop there for a steak dinner and wander around town afterwards. Here are some pics of Prescott, Arizona.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Looking toward Death Valley, CA~That's My World 110309
The last time hubby and I traveled to the eastern Sierra, we drove up 395 and took the road through Trona. I wouldn't do that again. VERY BORING and very dry!!! We saw NOTHING for miles and miles and miles. We got to the Death Valley entrance late in the afternoon and decided to wait until next Spring to enter the park. Instead, we took the road that comes out near Lone Pine, a much more interesting drive! That's My World for Tuesday, November 3, 2009.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
North of Bishop, CA~Scenic Sunday for 110109
Hubby and I took a weekend trip to Bishop a couple of weekends ago to go view the fall leaves on the trees. Either we were too early or too late. We just didn't see the spectacular reds and oranges. However, we did some some pretty colors! It's hard to find fall colors here in our desert southwest, so we headed to the eastern Sierras. Here are some pics of what I found. Scenic Sunday for November 01, 2009.
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