We had over 1 inch of rain on Wednesday and our sandy soil is saturated. I was early Friday morning on my way to school, so I stopped to take these photos of the fields out by my school. It was such a beautiful morning! I pulled over, careful to have my driver's side tires still on the asphalt, in case the mud was deep (old desert trick..you NEVER drive on dirt with all 4 wheels...that's how people get stuck!). The fields were ready for harvesting and I wanted to get some pics of them before all the produce was picked. Unfortunately, as I stepped onto the dirt, I sank in mud nearly up to the tops of my shoes (walking shoes)...! I SHOULD have known better! But, I did get these pics and I had a story to tell my class! By late afternoon, as I headed home, these crops were being harvested. Good thing because a deep frost was forecast for last night. The Coachella Valley has a year-round growing season, but frost can wipe out certain frosts, so I guess this farmer decided to harvest his and get them to market! Can you see all the mud in the bottom one? I don't know how the trucks got through it, but they did!
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