Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rock climbers Joshua Tree National Park~SOOC 010211

This is literally a "point and shoot" photo, straight out of the camera. Hubby and I drove to Joshua Tree National Park yesterday. The clouds for a new storm were moving in, but the park was packed. There were several rock climbers there, including these two on top of one set of rocks. I was driving our car and I glanced out the window to see them. I leaned over, grabbed my camera, aimed it in their direction, and clicked. SOOC Sunday for January 2, 2011. To see other participants, please visit:


Jan said...

What a great capture! I love clicking while driving. Like you I don't look, just point and shoot.

Ms. Diva said...

Wonderful shot!!

Nicolette said...

Fabulous image. Amazing sky and the rock looks so dramatic. The climbers give a feel for the sheer size of the landscape.

msdewberry said...

That is an awesome shot! I love the cloud formations here!

Jan n Jer said...

Great shot!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Amazing. i love your picture. Look how tiny they look up there. Great shot