Sunday, March 28, 2010

Desert wildflowers~Scenic Sunday 032810

Our desert southwest, near Palm Springs, CA is ALIVE with wildflowers this year. We've had over 5 inches of rain already (our normal yearly total is only 4 inches) and the wildflowers are SPECTACULAR! I don't ever remember so many of them! There are fields and acres covered with yellow desert dandelions and purple lupines. In fact, yesterday, I heard of a new place to explore! I'll have to drive out there next week! I took these photos Friday afternoon. Apparently this weekend is the peak of the wildflower season and I have parent conferences one night this week, but I'll take more photos after school every afternoon. Scenic Sunday for March 28, 2010.


Cheryl said...

Oh so very lovely! Mother Nature is truly blessing us with such delights for the eye. I love the hint of snow on the mountain in the background as well.

Carol said...

So beautiful...we drove truck ..cross country for 15 years and I never once got to see the desert in bloom.

annies home said...

how pretty in the blankness of a dessert to find such beauty

Linnea said...

All those wildflowers really add a lot of color to the desert landscape. Glad you're getting out to enjoy them. The temps must be nice too. Not too hot, right?!